While pests are a significant nuisance to humans, they not only harm your health but can also ruin your home. Several pests can affect your house—for example, mice, rats, spiders, cockroaches, bed bugs, etc.
Several types of pests adversely impact the insides and the outside of your house. Moreover, the health issues sustained by some problems can be extremely dangerous or even life-threatening.
If you notice pest infestations in your home, call pest control Leander as soon as possible. Most of these pests have a high reproduction rate and will take over your house within no time.
Types of pest infestation that affect your house
1. Rats and mice

Rats and mice are the most prevalent cause of inducing trouble in a house environment. Their sharp teeth can chew complex substances like wood, plastics, paper, etc.; moreover, they feed on the grains, fruits, and vegetables in your kitchen, which can lead to infection and severe health conditions.
Rats and mice are small and quickly enter your house windows, doors, drainage pipes, etc. They usually enter the house in the winter to find shelter, and once they come inside your home, they live on whatever nutrition they can find in your house. It also includes dairy products, pieces of bread, etc.
Rats and mice have a high multiplying rate, and each female lays about 5-6 young ones in one litter, making rats spread over an area quite quickly. Rats are attracted to your house by the smell of food and dishes kept undone.
2. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are also drawn to your house by the smell of food, oil, etc. Cockroaches mostly do not prefer staying in light and are active at night. In the daytime, they hide under dark and cool areas like drawers, cupboards, etc.
Cockroaches can live for a long time without consuming food, making them one of the most reliant insects and house pests. They can live for months without having food and can only survive on water. Cockroaches are more prone to enter your house in winter to avoid the harsh climate.
3. Bed bugs

Bed bugs are one the most trouble-causing house pests and are tough to eliminate. They are tiny and can hide in your home’s smallest spaces, making it impossible to find them.
They can enter your house through your luggage clothing, and you carry them to public places or while traveling. Bed bugs fiend on blood, so they can cause continuous trouble by biting you at night.