Although not all car companies will give you spare keys, you need to take this step yourself to be sure if your original key disappears. It happens that we lose it for a while or forget it somewhere. You may not be thinking about spare keys now, because you don’t need them at the moment, but consider a few steps ahead. What will you do if you lose the original key?
A bunch of keys are lost every day in different circumstances. In the end, it often happens that we lock the key in the car. If you are naturally forgetful or too busy, don’t forget to contact a mobile locksmith and get a spare key. Spare keys are very important and find out below why this is so.
1.Locking the keys in the car
This happens to even the best, unless you have a smart key that makes it impossible to lock the keys in the car. The reason is automatic door locking or manual locking mechanism. Before you know it, you’ll close the door and see your keys through the car window. Such things happen when you are in a hurry somewhere, you are distracted or you have completely forgotten where your key is.
So, it is normal to get into this situation. However, this is a big problem if you do not have a copy of the keys with you. You can always call an expert to unlock your car, but it requires extra money and time. How professionals will open your car and what is the standard procedure, you can find here. So it is recommended to copy the keys on time so that you can just use the spare part and continue your day.
2.Replacement costs
Copying keys not only saves time but also saves money. In addition to the fact that this experience is quite disturbing, it also requires reprogramming a completely new set of keys and cars. This means that the cost of this process will be high. You can also make a mistake if you find a locksmith who will improvise the key.
He will do it too fast and the results will not be good. So don’t forget all the fees that await you for services such as opening locks and replacing all locks on doors. Making a copy of the key will take you only a few minutes while the replacement may take some time.
3.Loss of keys
All tiny items are very easily lost even if they are very important. When searching, they are usually in the last place where you would look for them. In order not to look for that place for too long, it is best to have spare parts with you. Sometimes you can’t even find a place that is very bad for you. Therefore, everyone in this situation should have a spare set that they will use immediately as soon as they realize that their keys have been stolen or lost.
4.Multiple drivers
If one car is shared by two or more people, it is necessary to obtain a copy of the original key. Otherwise, you may face the following situation. Imagine that you went somewhere, left your partner a car, but you accidentally took the keys with you. At the same time, your partner must have the keys in order to use the car, but this will not happen if you have only one key.
This is a very unpleasant situation that contributes to disagreements and can lead to a big quarrel. To prevent such situations, you definitely need a copy. Separate keys have other advantages. For example, if there are multiple drivers, you can customize them to suit your needs. This means that by entering the car you will automatically activate your settings. This applies to temperature adjustment, mirrors and seats. So, the car will save the configuration.
5.Broken keys
Don’t forget one of the biggest enemies of keys, and that is corrosion. Since car keys are used every day, this item will not be immune to corrosion. The consequence of constant use leads to a broken key and that is a big hassle. However, if you have previously contacted an expert and have spare parts with you, we are sure that you will not be upset. It also means that you will not have to postpone all your obligations and planned activities that day just because your key is no longer functional.
Make life less stressful by paying attention to detail. If you ignore them, they can quickly turn into much bigger problems than expected. We must note that the smart key battery is discharged which is very similar to the previous situation. The only difference is that you will not need a new key, but reprogramming after replacing the battery, but it is also a waste of your time and money.
6.Sense of security
Finally, eliminate the feeling of fear and replace it with a feeling of security. This is achieved by copying the original key. In that case, you will be sure no matter what happened to your original key. You will always have an additional key to help you with one of the known scenarios. This is an opportunity to remove your fears of unpleasant events. You will also eliminate the fear of theft.
If you have previously lost your car keys, you will need to call in experts to help you. During that time, thieves can greatly find your vehicle and steal it from you. However, when you have a backup, you can immediately sit in your car and drive to the salon, which will replace the door locks. In that case, thieves will not be able to access the vehicle, because you will overtake them with a copy you made earlier.
You have been researching the market for a long time, you have bought cars and you are ready to drive it. However, you are not ready yet if you do not have a copy of the key. So as soon as you get your shine new keys from your car dealer, make sure you have a copy. That way, you will be really ready to use cars and you will not have unpleasant surprises.