Just like we take care of our skin to maintain it, we also need to pay attention to our hair to ensure that they are healthy and regrowing. These days, many people are facing trouble with hairfall. Although it does not hurt anyone physically, many individuals are emotionally connected to their hair. If you are among them, do not worry. We have shared below some of the scientifically proven ways that can help you regrow your hair.
1. Nutrition:

One of the main reasons why your hair is not regrowing can be a deficiency of nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamin E, fatty acids, etc. Iron and zinc deficiency is directly related to hair loss and brittleness of hair. Therefore, make sure that you take these nutrients in a sufficient amount whether through your diet or as a supplement. There is no other best method than this for restoring the growth of your hair.
2. Massage:
Massaging your scalp is another method that can be used to promote the thickness of your hair. The blood flow and the overall health of your scalp also get improved by massaging it regularly with some oil. Take some time out of your busy schedule and massage your scalp daily for a few minutes to get relief from the tension or stress that you had all day long.
3. Try to be gentle with your hair:

Your hair tends to automatically fall when you tie them in a very tight ponytail or braids. These kinds of hairstyles can result in traction alopecia and if you do not stop overdoing it or doing it at all, it can also make you completely bald. If you are habitual of doing such hairstyles then make sure that you keep changing your hairstyle to give some time to your hair follicles for resting.
4. Consider using castor oil:
Another hair care method in this rundown is using castor oil. It has been generally utilized for the treatment of bald or damaged scalp. Castor oil is plentiful in proteins, minerals, and Vitamin E and along these lines, it functions as an enchanted mixture for your hair. Additionally, it has Omega 6 unsaturated fats and ricinoleic acid, which lift blood courses to the scalp and assist in expanding hair growth.
Buying such products can be tricky because you never know which of them are high-quality and which are not. However, with Tayloani hair care collection, you get the best when it comes to price and quality.
5. Use lemon:

An extremely straightforward method for advancing hair regrowth is by utilizing lemon juice or lemon oil. The two of them are considered as the sacred goal for our hair as they advance development as well as further develop hair quality and help to treat dandruff. Lemon oil can assist with keeping a sound scalp. Apply freshly made lemon juice to your hair and scalp for about 15 minutes before washing and wait for a great outcome.
6. Avoid applying so much heat:
Nowadays, people use so many appliances to give styling to their hair and the heat that comes from it can be completely damaging. It can make your hair brittle. Therefore, avoid using heat appliances for styling as much as you can and even if you do make sure to spray some heat protectant before using them.