A best friend is a person who you can share your secrets with, who will always be there for you no matter what.
My Best Friend is a personal essay that tells about the relationship with one’s best friend. It is a class 4 essay written in 100 words. Read more in detail here: my best friend essay for class 6 100 words.
We meet a lot of individuals during our lives because, as we all know, people come and go. But there are certain individuals who remain our closest friends for the rest of our lives.
I had a lot of friends while I was in nursery, but when the standard changed, all of my pals disappeared. All of this, I believe, stems from the desire for a trustworthy and beautiful friend in one’s life. To have a best friend, we must be faithful to them in every manner they are devoted to us; I, too, have a best friend.
Best Friend of Mine

Tuition class. For starters, there was a quarrel between us in Tuition class for a ridiculous reason.
Arya is the name of my closest buddy. I met her when I was in eighth grade since our divisions were not the same and we were in separate classrooms, but we were fortunate enough to meet in theBut there was a moment when she stepped in to assist me when I was in need, such as when I was struggling with arithmetic. So she came to my house and taught me arithmetic, and that’s when we started talking. When we were together for business, there was a particular movement.
She became a special person in my life, and I’m sure I became special for her as well, since she never leaves me alone to do any of the job. If she wasn’t with me, life was extremely important; our studies, conversations, and games were all unique.
If I make a mistake in my life, she is the one who constantly stops me and corrects me, and if she is incorrect, I am the one who corrects her. She is extremely attractive, and her face was constantly bright with a grin.
She never harms me since she is aware that I am a hothead and understands how to deal with my rage.
She is the one person, apart from my parents, who is constantly concerned about me and never allows me to weep for any reason. If she had a difficulty, I was to stand behind her, and she was always there for me through my tough times.
We always participated in all of the school’s curricular activities together, and we had quite varied levels of pleasure.
When we split in college, she chose a different profession and I chose a different field, life became very important.
Our relationship has deteriorated as a result of this, but we are still in touch, and yes, the friendship has not changed; we meet today as well, and if there are any issues, we meet. However, since the studies are now different, the group study is absent.
I adore my best friend and would be lost without her since she has become an integral part of my life. And no one in my life will ever be able to take her place. As a result, her and my tastes are never the same, yet she is still my closest friend.
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The essay on my best friend for class 5 is an essay about the importance of having a good friend in life. It is meant to be read by students in grade 4.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I write an essay about my best friend?
You can write about your best friend in an essay, but it is highly recommended that you do not use the word best friend to describe them.
What is best friend in simple words?
A best friend is someone you can share anything with, and who will be there for you through thick and thin.