There are many kinds of wars, from small-scale skirmishes to multi-national invasions. In every war, the aim is to defeat the opposing side. Wars can be fought to gain territory, resources, political power, or to punish a group for a perceived wrong. Even a war of words can result in a war of missiles or bombs.
In this essay, you will find a number of easy words that you can use to describe the topic of this essay “War”.
From kindergarten to college, students seem to be inundated with war related topics. From preparing for a trip to war-torn Libya, to writing about your favorite war movies, often students are asked to write about war, both in the classroom and in their personal essays. These are not easy topics to write about because there are too many different opinions.

A condition of conflict or battle between state institutions or nations is referred to as war. The conflict between nations is sometimes known as a global war since it occurs on a big scale, resulting in more damage and a significant loss to the country’s infrastructure and development, as well as to the people who lose the war. The war is a loss not just to the nation that loses the war, but also to the country that wins the war since so much damage occurs throughout the conflict.
The term war comes from the ancient German word ‘weran,’ which meaning to be perplexed or to reach a decision. It was discovered that fighting has been going on for over 14000 years, with approximately 45 percent of the skeletons in the Mesolithic cemetery site showing indications of violent death caused by conflict. The weapons used in the past were not like the weaponry available now; they mostly utilized the bow and arrow, as well as a spear to fight with one another and a shield to defend oneself during battle. However, today’s weapons are extremely contemporary and contain new technology, which might result in a massive catastrophe.
War has a variety of causes; it is not only motivated by duty, but by a number of factors. The primary motivation for war is to become a superior nation capable of dominating the opponent. Dominance over the opponent country is achieved via a variety of ways, such as battling for more territory or gaining economic growth from the other country by seizing and controlling the country’s resources. Another major cause of war is nationalism, in which a country seeks to demonstrate its nationalism by making their country superior to the rest of the world. However, occasionally a war is called because of a previous conflict in which they lost and seek to avenge themselves.
War’s Aftereffects
There are many negative consequences of war on both nations and states since many resources are discovered during the conflict, particularly human resources, and many people die as a result of the damage caused by the war. It takes a long time to recuperate from the harm caused by conflict, and it is often impossible to do so.
Although it is almost impossible to avoid war, different methods are used to ignore the conflict between nations. A tighter connection is established between nations to minimize the likelihood of having a conflict with each other, and it also has the effect of requiring the other country to see you via different methods if a war occurs. Education has an important part in the avoidance of war because educated people are aware of the negative consequences of war and prefer to address problems without resorting to violence.
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You have to have an interest in this field before you start studying it. This is the only way is to get the most out of it. This is because if you are not interested in the subject then you will not be able to show the interest that you have. Without that then it does not matter how qualified you are in the subject or what you have learned.. Read more about short speech about war and let us know what you think.
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